**ENROLMENT 2025/2026 : Baltydaniel N.S. will be accepting enrolment applications from the 1st of October 2024 for the 2025/2026 school year. Please find more information under the 'Admissions' tab. **


Lá Gaeilge 

Lá gaeilge i mBaile Tí Dhonaill. Bhí an-spórt ag gach duine!
Bhì Konor Halpin ar scoil inniu and bhì an spoirt ag na daltaì. Runners sè draìocht Agustin cluichì trì gaeilge agus chan sè amhràinì èagsùla gaeilge freisin. Beidh ceolchoirm againn amàrach, trà na gceist, scèalta agus rudaì eile i gcomhair là gaeilge. Beidh na daltaì glèasta suas le èadaì glas. Bì ag labhairt gaeilge!
Cuairt ón Gaeilgóir

Bhì Konor Halpin ar scoil inniu and bhì an spoirt ag na daltaì. Runners sè draìocht Agustin cluichì trì gaeilge agus chan sè amhràinì èagsùla gaeilge freisin. Beidh ceolchoirm againn amàrach, trà na gceist, scèalta agus rudaì eile i gcomhair là gaeilge. Beidh na daltaì glèasta suas le èadaì glas. Bì ag labhairt gaeilge!
Commemoration Day

Baltydaniel NS marked Proclamation Day with a brief ceremony in the school yard this morning. The Student Council read aloud our New Generation Proclamation and raised our national flag while our school choir played and sang a variety of national music. Special thanks to Philip Cotter for playing our National Anthem on the pipes and to our parents and friends who joined us to celebrate this special occasion.
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